Thursday, December 16, 2010

Warm Thoughts for a Loss

It saddens me to learn and to announce that one of our very first students has suffered a great loss. Barkely's handler Davis (pictured left) and his father David (pictured below) came to the FlyDogs in 2009 when we first started our club. Barkley and Davis did very well as their father watched and cheered in support.

Last holiday season, an accident took David's life. Please send positive thoughts to his family this season. Our next practice will be in honor of David and his family. We will all miss you David.

News and Announcements

We are a little behind in our blogging. We have many new students and several who have learned to Fly! Our club went to its second NAFA tournament in December. We took two teams again: Tails on Rails and Four on the Floor - and many of the members came away with new titles. Willow, Ellie, Beebe, Benny all now have their NAFA Flyball Dog Excellent titles! It was this time last year when they all were taking classes and learning to be HotDogs!

New SuperDog! Kaiser - SuperDogs are running full runs and begin practicing with the club members to gain more experience passing dogs on an actual flyball course.
New HotDogs: Monica, Roxy, Maddie and Chelsea - HotDogs have all learned to go over the 8 jumps, retrieving the ball with excellent recall.
New Students: Keira, Lucy, Eddie and Wolf - they are learning to fly!

We move into our new location and begin our 2011 season on January 9th at Four Paw Sports in Lynnwood.



