Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seattle FlyDogs Debut in Cloverdale

Well the time has come for our community club racers to leave the bench and make their way back into the tournament ring. This weekend, our FlyDogs, Taben and Siena who have enjoyed a long hiatus join up with class act racers, Tory and Callie in Cloverdale and with them all they bring a new FlyDog - BENNY!

Is Benny ready? Well, we're confident no dog is ever ready for their first tournament. Siena ran out of the ring on her first run in 2007. Hilarious. But, she's an old pro now - little slow - but we love her nonetheless.

We are all really looking forward to running as singles and pairs at our first ever UFLI Tournament.

Come up and see us!


  1. looks like Tory and Callie will be racing against our Sushi and Rocket - looking forward to a Boston match-up!!

  2. You guys did great in Cloverdale looked like you had a good time too. Hope to see all of you again soon. And welcome back to flyball in BC and WA.


  3. Thanks Aaron! We had such a great time this weekend.
